Sunday, December 25, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Never Going Back

when I didn't have a netbook it was hard because you had to write with a pencil and no one got to see your work instead of the teacher. It was like you were practising and practising every day and then it was nothing.

Now that we have a netbook, its easier because we have our own blog to put our own stuff on. But when we didn’t have a netbook we had to share a blog and then you had to wait to go on the computer.

A net book is good cause it helps us learn all the time, and we can go on maths whizz. when we take it home we can do our blog posts and play games.

But its hard that we get sour fingers and out Internet all ways gos off. if there is a crack on our screen it has to be sent some were to get fixed and it takes a long time to come back on the boat.

I like haing a net book and I don't want it to go away.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011